Mastering AI Notes: From Using Templates to Editing & Exporting





How to Use Templates to Generate Summaries

How to Apply Templates

1. Access the Transcript: Navigate to the completed transcription record and locate the AI Notes section on the left.

access the notes.png

2. Select a Template: Select a template from the AI Notes area. Click See All templates or the [Template library] icon for additional options. You can also press the space bar to access a list of templates.

select the template.png  access template libraries.png

template list.png

3. Set your AI Notes language: The first time you use AI Notes feature, a pop-up will guide you through the setup process. Follow the instructions to select your preferred language.

set notes language.png

If you need to change it later, go to Settings > Preferences by clicking your profile image. Once updated, all AI Notes will be generated in the selected language.

set notes language in settings.png

4. Generate Summary: The AI will automatically generate a summary based on the selected template. You can choose from various templates like "General" to fit your specific needs.

display ai notes.png


How to Favorite Templates

1. Explore Templates: Access the Template Library to explore a variety of AI templates.

my fav.png

2. Favorite a Template: Click the [⭐︎] icon on the template you prefer to add it to "My favorites" for quicker future access.

basic template.png

3. Use Favorited Templates: Apply templates directly from your favorites, accessible by pressing the space bar in the AI Notes area.

use the tplt.pngchoose from list.png


How to Create Custom Templates

1. Access Custom Templates: In the Template Library, choose Workspace for shared templates or Private for personal use. Click Create a new template.

create template.png

2. Create a New Template: Enter a name for your template and add necessary Prompts.

create new template.png

3. Edit and Optimize: After entering your Prompt details, save directly or click Optimize before saving to refine the content.

optimize the prompt.png


How to Manage AI Summaries

How to Adjust Summary Results

1. Regenerate or Delete Blocks: If the result is unsatisfactory, you can choose to regenerate or delete specific blocks. 

regenerate summary.pngdelete the content.png

2. Rearrange Blocks: Drag and drop blocks to rearrange their order as needed.

drag to move.png

3. Edit Blocks: Click inside any block to edit the text or add new content by typing, clicking [+], or using “/” to access additional commands.

click plus.png



How to Use AI Chat for In-depth Queries

Initiate AI Chat: Press space in an empty block to prompt the AI for specific questions about the transcription, such as detailed opinions or statements.

Receive AI Responses: Responses from the AI will be integrated as new blocks within the AI Notes section.

use ai chat in ai notes.png


How to Export and Share AI Notes

Copy Instantly: Click the Copy button in the AI Notes area to copy all text immediately.

copy in ai notes.png

Download Locally: Click Download and choose AI Notes to be included in your download from the details page of the transcription record.

download all including ai notes1.pngdownload all including ai notes2.png

Export to Platforms: Export your AI Notes to third-party platforms like Notion, Slack, Salesforce, Hubspot, and Google Drive for further use and sharing.

send to button in ai notes.png

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