Folder Management

Efficient management of files and folders is crucial for maintaining an organized and productive workspace. This guide focuses on creating, moving, deleting, and restoring folders, and understanding folder permissions in Notta Business/Enterprise.



Create folders

1. Click [All Records] in the sidebar.

all records.png

2. When you are on the "All Records" page, you can create a top-level folder by clicking on the  [+ Create New Folder] option on the right side. Enter the desired folder name (required) and the members to collaborate (optional) and click [Create].create folder0.png

  • If you are a Business or Enterprise user, you can also set folder permissions before creating the folder. By default, the permissions are set to allow only the creator to access the folder.

create folder.png

2. To create a subfolder within a specific folder, navigate to the desired folder and click on [+ Create new folder] . Enter the desired name for the subfolder and click [Create] to create the subfolder within the current folder.


  • For Business or Enterprise users, the newly created subfolder will inherit permissions from the parent folder by default. However, you can modify these permissions in [Folder Settings] as needed after the subfolder is created.

folder settings.png

folder settings1.png

3. To change a folder's name, hover over the folder, click the [Rename] icon, enter the new folder name, and click [Save] to save the changes.

rename the folder.png



Move folders

1. To move a single folder, click on the[More] icon→[Move to folder].move to folder.png

2. To select multiple folders for moving, either check the checkboxes next to each folder or use the "Select All" option. Then click [Move to Folder] to proceed.

move in bulk.png

3. After selecting the desired folders to move, a pop-up screen will appear with destination options. Select the desired destination and click [Move] to initiate the move operation.

  • For Business or Enterprise users, to move a folder, you need to have editing permission or be the creator of both the moved and target folders. After the move, the permissions of the moved folder will inherit the permissions of the target folder.


Delete or restore folders

1. To delete single folder, click on the [More] icon→[Move to Trash]. Then the folder will be moved to the trash.move to trash.png

2. To select multiple folders for delete, either check the checkboxes next to each folder or use the "Select All" option. Then click on the [Move to Trash] and the folder will be moved to the trash.

move to trash in bulk.png

  • For Business or Enterprise users, to delete a folder, you need to have editing permission or be the creator of deleted folders. 

3. To permanently delete folders or records, go to the [Trash] section, click the [Select All] option to select all the folders, and confirm the deletion by clicking [Delete Permanently] in the pop-up message.

  • For Business or Enterprise users, only the Workspace Owner or admin has permission to delete permanently.

delete permanently.png


4. To restore records or folders from the trash, select folders or records you want to restore, and then click [Restore]. Confirm the restore by clicking [Confirm Restore] in the pop-up.

  • For Business or Enterprise users, to restore a folder, you need to have editing permission or be the creator of the restored folders.


Note: Records will be restored to the folder where they were before deletion, or to the all files folder if the folder has already been deleted.


Folder Permission(For Notta Business/Enterprise)

  • Only those with editing permission or who are the creator of a folder have the permission to move, move to trash, or restore it. When moving a folder, it can only be moved to a folder where you have editing permission or you are the creator.
  • Creation: When a folder is created, its permissions by default match its parent folder. If the folder is created at the top level, only the creator has permission by default.
  • Moving: After a folder is moved, its permissions will default to match the target folder.
  • Only workspace owner and admin have permission to permanently delete folders in trash.


Folder Management Techniques

1. Creating Hierarchical Folders

  • Create folders by year

スクリーンショット 2023-09-13 19.56.36.png

  • Create folders by company name

スクリーンショット 2023-09-13 19.59.15.png

  • Create folders by workflow

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  • Create folders by internal and external business within the company

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2. Naming Folders

  • Keep folder names simple: Use clear and concise names that accurately describe the contents of the folder.
  • Sorting convenience: Consider adding a number at the beginning of the folder name to facilitate sorting and prioritization.
    sort by name.png
  • Put the date at the beginning of the file name: Include the date in the file name to easily identify when the file was created.


3. Number of folder levels

3-level structure recommended: Organize folders in a hierarchy that allows for efficient searching without excessive clicks. Avoid making the hierarchy too shallow or too deep.

Note:Notta supports up to 8 levels

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