To access workspace analytics click on "User setting" in your sidebar and click "Analytics".
Usage Data
Note:This feature is only available to Owner on Business or Enterprise plan workspace.
In the Usage Data page, there are three key sections: "All-time Stats," "Insights," and "Member Usage Data." These sections provide valuable information for analyzing workspace member usage, login logs, and the cost savings facilitated by Notta.
1. All-time Stats:
You can access an overview of the entire workspace's usage. By analyzing these stats, administrators can gain insights into the overall engagement and adoption of the workspace. This section provides key metrics including:
- Minutes Transcribed: The cumulative number of minutes transcribed by all members in the workspace.
- Recordings Created: The total count of recordings created within the workspace.
- Average Minutes per Recording: The average duration, in minutes, of recordings created in the workspace.
- Average Time Spent in Conversations per Member: The average amount of time spent by each member in conversations within the workspace.
2. Insights
Note:The calculation is based on the manual transcription price and delivery time prevailing in the market. According to the average value obtained from our user interviews, a 1-hour meeting requires 4 hours of manual finishing, but through Notta, it only takes 30 minutes to complete the finishing.
3. Member Usage Data
You can access detailed usage information for each individual member. By reviewing this member usage data, you can track individual performance, monitor user login behavior to ensure data security within the Notta. This includes the following information:
User: Displays the name and email address of the user.
Minutes Transcribed: The total number of minutes transcribed by the user.
Recordings Created: The number of recordings created by the user.
Average Minutes per Recording: The average duration, in minutes, of the user's recordings.
Join Date: The date when the user joined the workspace.
Last Login Date & Service & IP: The date of the user's last login, along with the service or platform used, and the IP address.
Log Management
Note:This feature is only available to Owner and admin on Enterprise plan workspace.
1. Log Operations
The Log operations section provides login information for each individual member, allowing administrators to track and review the history of login operation.
- User:This is the user who logged in.
- Operation Time: Indicates the date and time of the user's most recent login.
- Device: Displays the device or platform used for the login.
- IP: Displays the IP address at login.
2. Record Operations
It tracks actions performed on records or folders within the workspace.
- Operation:Describes the type of action performed on a record or folder.
- Create: A user edited a record or folder.
- View:A user viewed a record or folder.
- Delete Permanently : A user(owner or admin) deleted a record or folder permanently from the trash.
- Remove to trash:A user removed a record or folder to trash.
- Restore:A user restored a record or folder from trash.
- Share ON:A user enabled sharing a record or folder to the public.
- Share OFF: A user disabled sharing a record or folder to the public.
- User:This is the user who performed the operation.
- Resource Type:Indicates the operation object, whether it is a record or a folder.
- Resource Name:Displays the name or identifier of the specific record or folder.
- Operation Time: This is the date the operation occurred.
- Device: Displays the device or platform used for the operation.
IP: Shows the associated IP address of the operation.
3. Record download
This section includes information about records downloa within the workspace,This includes the following information:
- User:This is the user who performed the download operation.
- File type:Displays the type of transcription text or audio file that was downloaded, such as txt, docx, pdf, xlsx, or mp3.
- Record Link: The link of the record that was downloaded.
- Operation Time: This is the date the download operation occurred.
- Device: Displays the device or platform used for the download.
IP: Shows the associated IP address of the download operation.
4. Member management
It tracks actions performed by owners or admins on members and groups within the workspace.
- Operation:Describes the type of action performed on a member or group.
- Invite Member: A owner or admin Invited a user into workspace.
- Remove Member:A owner or admin removed a user from workspace.
- Create Group: A owner or admin created a group.
- Delete Group: A owner or admin deleted a group.
- Set as Member:A owner or admin set a user as "Member"role.
- Set as Admin:A owner or admin set a user as "Admin" role.
- User:This is the owner or admin who performed the operation.
- Resource Type:Indicates whether the operation object is a member or a group.
- Resource Name:Displays the name of the member or group.
- Operation Time: This is the date the operation occurred.
- Device: Displays the device or platform used for the operation.
IP: Shows the associated IP address of the operation.
Filter or Export your Report
You can perform the following operations on the analysis report:
- Generate usage reports for specific periods by selecting choose the date or date range.
- Choose the timeframe and click "Export to Excel" to download the usage data in Excel format.
- Query specific member actions by entering their email address.
Note:The above operation logs will only show records for the last 180 days.