Types of Permissions on Notta

If you are on the Business Plan or Enterprise Plan, you are allowed to assign a different level of access to every person or group you share the file with. This is helpful when:

1. You only want a few people to edit the transcript, while the rest can view it.
2. You only want certain members/groups of the workspace to access the recording/folder.
3. You don't want certain members/groups to see the recording/folder.




Comparison of different roles and permissions

You can edit the permissions of a group or a member when you invite them to the recordings/folders. And of course, you can also modify it later in the permission management window of the recordings/folders. Below are the 5 types of permission.

  • Full access: Can edit, export, and share the file with others.
  • Can edit and download: Can edit and export the file, but cannot change the sharing permissions.
  • Can edit: Can edit but cannot export or share the file with others
  • Can view: Can only view the file
  • No access: Cannot access the file.


Comparison Table of Different Roles

Type Operation Member Admin Owner Notes
Recordings & Folders Record & transcribe audio with Chrome Extension Y Y Y  
Record & transcribe a real-time conversation Y Y Y Possible when being granted 'Can edit' or above permissions for the storage location
Transcribe imported audio/video files Y Y Y
Transcribe online meeting with Notta Bot Y Y Y
Create folders Y Y Y
Move files to Trash Y Y Y Possible when being granted 'Can edit' or above permissions
Restore files Y Y Y Members can restore files only when being granted 'Can edit' or above permissions, while the owner and admins can restore files without permission restrictions.
Billing Management Cancel subscription N N Y  
Reduce or add seats N N Y  
Features Export audio Y Y Y

Possible when being granted 'Full access' or 'Can edit and download'.

Export file Y Y Y
Export to Notion/Salesforce/Hubspot Y Y Y
Generate AI summary Y Y Y Possible when being granted 'Can edit' or above permissions.
Edit AI summary Y Y Y
Enable translation Y Y Y
Edit speakers' names Y Y Y
Add/delete comments Y Y Y
Add/delete bookmarks Y Y Y
Correction reference Y Y Y Possible when being granted 'Can view' or above permissions.
View AI summary Y Y Y
View translation Y Y Y
View bookmarks Y Y Y
View comments Y Y Y
Adjust playback speed Y Y Y
Hide timestamps Y Y Y
Skip silence Y Y Y
Member Management Add/delete a member N Y Y  
Change a member's role to 'Admin' or 'Member' N Y Y  
Add/delete a group N Y Y  
Add/delete a member in a group N Y Y  
Delete workspace N N Y  
Transfer ownership N N Y  
Workspace Management Change workspace name N Y Y  
Change workspace icon N Y Y  
Empty trash N Y Y  
Personal Account Management Delete account Y Y Y  


Comparison Table of Different Permissions

Type Operation Full access Can edit and download Can edit Can view No access
Recording View transcripts and recordings Y Y Y Y N
Edit recording title Y Y Y N N
Edit transcript Y Y Y N N
Generate AI summary Y Y Y N N
Edit AI summary Y Y Y N N
View AI summary Y Y Y Y N
Add/delete comments Y Y Y N N
View comments Y Y Y Y N
Add/delete bookmarks Y Y Y N N
Edit bookmarks Y Y Y N N
View bookmarks Y Y Y Y N
Edit speakers' names Y Y Y N N
Edit Permission Y N N N N
Share the recording online Y N N N N
Move to Trash Y Y Y N N
Merge blocks Y Y Y N N
Export transcripts Y Y N N N
Export audio Y Y N N N
Export to Notion/Salesforce/Hubspot Y Y N N N
View translation Y Y Y Y N
Enable translation Y Y Y N N
Enable correction reference Y Y Y Y N
Folder Create folder Y Y Y N N
View recording details in the folder (transcript, notes, translation) Y Y Y Y N
Edit folder name Y Y Y N N
Create a recording in the folder Y Y Y N N
Invite members to collaborate in the folder Y N N N N
Delete folder permanently Y N N N N
Permission Management Invite other group members Y N N N N
Change permissions Y N N N N
Remove access Y N N N N


Recommended permission management solutions

In the process of sharing recordings within a team, it is common to inadvertently miss out on a few members. As a result, those who were not included in the sharing process will have to take time to request access, causing delays in their work.
To mitigate such issues, we recommend dividing groups based on departments or projects and utilizing folder-based permission management. This approach ensures that the appropriate individuals have access to the necessary records, promoting smoother collaboration and minimizing delays.


Department-based group

As a recommended approach for creating groups, we suggest setting up groups for each team within your company, such as IT, Human Resources, Marketing, and Sales. You can then add members to these groups.



For detailed instructions on how to create groups, please check out the following link.
>>> How to create and manage groups in my Notta workspace?


Department-based or project-based folder

To create a folder, we recommend creating separate folders for each team within the company, such as IT, Human Resources, Marketing, and Sales. Depending on the situation, it is also recommended to create groups for each project. This allows for better organization and collaboration within the specific project teams.


When creating a folder, it is possible to add relevant members or groups to it. This feature allows you to easily manage access and collaboration within the folder by including the appropriate individuals or groups.



For detailed instructions on how to create folders, please check out the following link.
>>> How to create and manage folders?



Q1: If a member deletes his account, what will happen to the recording created by him?

A1: When a member deletes his account, the resources (recordings and folders) created by that member will remain within the corresponding workspace. The ownership of these resources will be transferred to the workspace owner, and the owner and admins will be granted full access.


Q2: If a member is removed from the workspace, what will happen to the recording created by him?

A2: When a member is removed from the workspace, the resources (recordings and folders) created by that member will remain within the corresponding workspace. The ownership of these resources will be transferred to the workspace owner, and the owner and admins will be granted full access.

*Note that even if the same member is added back at a later point, they will only be granted permission as a new member.


Q3: If a member belongs to two groups with different permissions simultaneously, what will happen to his permissions?

A3: When a member belongs to two groups with different permissions simultaneously, the member will acquire the higher-level permission.

For example, if this member belongs to Group A (Full access) and Group B (No access) at the same time, the member's permission will be full access.


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