How to contact support via email?

Having trouble using Notta? Before you contact Notta support, we recommend seeking the answer in the Help Center to your question.
If you’re still experiencing problems, reach out to our support team at
Hours: Monday~Friday 10AM~7PM JST(UTC+9)
We will strive to respond to your email support issues within 24 hours.
For our own diagnostic purposes, please provide as much detailed information as possible following:
1. The email you used to sign up for a Notta account
2. What device or browser (including browser version) you are using to access Notta?
3. Did you get an error message? What was that?
4. A detailed description of the problem you are experiencing
5. And a screenshot or video (if needed) showing the issue or behavior you would like us to look into.
Note: We are sorry that we don't have online support via telephone currently.
Please submit your question or request, and we will be happy to assist you promptly.

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