With the Notta extension, you can convert any audio to text from any source instantly, whether a podcast, or an online class. The transcript will appear automatically on the Notta web when the recording is over. You can edit, search, share and export the transcript easily.
What you need:
- Google Chrome browser
- Notta Chrome Extension from Chrome Web Store
- Notta Account
How to use the extension:
1. Search "Notta" in the Chrome web store. And click on "Notta.ai Chrome拡張機能" extension.
2. Click "Add to Chrome" and then "Add extension". *Notta is free to download.
3. Click the extension icon in the Chrome toolbar. You'll find Find "Notta" in the dropdown menu. Click the pushpin icon to add Notta to your Chrome toolbar.
4. Sign in to Notta or create an account first. All recordings and transcripts will be saved to "Recent records" automatically.
5. Open the tab you want to transcribe. After selecting the transcription language, click the "Start recording" button to begin.
*Notta can transcribe audios/videos from up to 5 tabs simultaneously.
6. You can stop transcribing by clicking the red button anytime.
7. Go to "Recent records" on Notta web to check out the real-time recording and transcript. You can edit, share and even export the recording and transcript in different formats.
Use Notta google extension to transcribe Google Meet in real time
1. Connect Notta to Google Calendar.
Please refer to this article for how to link Notta to Google Calendar.
How to connect your calendar to Notta?
2. After the connection is complete, create a meeting in Google Meet and add Google Meet link.
3. Enter the edit screen and turn on the Notta toggle at the bottom.
4. Once you turn on the Notta toggle, when the meeting starts, Notta Bot will automatically join and record audio and transcribe it.
5. You can also start recording instantly by clicking "Start Recording" at the bottom of the meeting screen.
Enjoy using Notta extension to transcribe all your favorite web pages!:-D